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We Are Sisters, Whether You Like it or Not.....

As we all know my personal projects they end up spinning into a multitude of ideas and concepts. What I start with, isn't always what I finish with. I have found with my last two, that there is the same underlying theme....friendship. It's so amazingly cool to see all these ladies come and leave with a new friend or two. To me, that's the BEST thing ever. You can never have too many amazing people in your tribe.

Yesterdays theme for me was more of an earthy..Mother Nature...helping hands....supporting other women. (in that realm). I asked the ladies to wear specific colors and keep with a certain "mood" to achieve the look I was going for. They all surpassed my expectations! They showed up and were amazing!

Why is it that women have the tendency to be competitive and jealous towards each other instead of helping and supportive? It takes so much energy to be nasty and hateful. It's much easier on your heart to be nice and lend a helping hand once in awhile.

Despite our best intentions, as women our first instinct is often to compare ourselves with the other women around us — their appearances, their relationships, their careers, their talents — It's a vicious cycle. I've been involved with many "groups" through my years. Baseball moms, PTA/school, photography etc. Some have had the most genuine helpful people. Some.....not so much. Why? Why can't we band least a little....and be there for one another? Why do some women chastise you for not breastfeeding your baby or starting your own business? Sometimes it feels as a woman you just can't win. You either work too much...or not enough. You are over done with make up and hair or have "let yourself go". You are overweight or underweight. We are told to be proud of our bodies, but are talked about behind our backs for what we wear. It's never ending. It's totally unnecessary and downright mean sometimes.

I personally feel the world would be a much better place if we all just helped someone once in awhile. Sometimes all that means is lending your ear if it's needed to talk. Sometimes it's advice or pitching in to get something done. It costs nothing to be a good human. I'm a firm and strong believer in "What goes around comes around" and "Treat others the way you want to be treated".

Our shoot last night ended up with beautiful light and perfect weather! Who would have guessed in mid June we would have a nice cool breeze and hardly any bugs!?? It was a dream come true for this photographer!

We broke down into some different groupings. I got to participate in a few (thanks to Mandy and Robin for snapping those photos for me!), but mostly I just got to laugh and enjoy the company of all the other women.

We broke down into different age groups. The over 40's (the BEST group I personally think..LOL), the 30 somethings and the "Babies" (anyone 29 and under).

I also had the privilege of having BOTH of my daughters, daughter in law, hopefully soon to be daughter in law and second daughter there to shoot with as well. It's so hard getting all these adults together with jobs and school now a days, but they all came together for this old mom to make her pretty happy!

I also had a few other mother/daughter duos there so we did a grouping of just us momma's then us with our girls.

Along with the mother/daughter duos (or trios!), I had a few sets of sisters! So, we had them all jump in for a grouping as well.

We had a lot of serious moments, but we sure did laugh A LOT! Here's a few of our funniest moments!

If you find yourself in a tribe of women that support you, have your back in all situations, that you can depend on, listens to you and loves you.....your pretty lucky. I don't throw the word "blessed" around too often or use it lightly, but if you find yourself in a group that you can say all those things about...then girl you are BLESSED! Don't ever take it for granted. Don't ever let it leave you. Don't ever let anyone take it from you.

A huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to my ladies that participated yesterday! I am beyond grateful and woke up with such a happy heart today because of all of YOU! I just adore them all! I wish all my clients and friends could participate when I do these. It's such a great experience. (If I do say so myself! LOL)

I'm leaving you with a few of the shots we got after the main shoot was done. These are the individual ladies who helped me to make this happen!

Love and hugs,



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