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Say "Cheese"!!!

Hey hey hey! I am so excited to announce this hugemongeous deal! I just did a live on the Photos by Joyce page, but if you missed's the low down! (and how to sign up if you did catch it!) or watch it here:

The Smile Exclusive Club will run from April 2019-March 2020. Each month I will have a new backdrop, theme or location for a fun mini (15-20 minute session).

Cost: $100 entry fee for the year then only $20 for each months exclusive theme!

This is for kids 10 and under. Up to three kids in the same family please.

There will be a private group where the months drops/themes/locations will be announced. You all will have first dibs on the backdrop/theme for that month. After your sessions are complete, the theme/drop will open up for the public to use during their sessions at regular cost. Each month will have something fun and unique! Some will be for boys only..some girls only...some neutral! You are also guaranteed to have at least one session outdoors that can include mom/dad or grandparents/pets etc. during the year.

Here's what the $100 also gets you!

**Not only entry into the monthly mini sessions but the discount of only $20 per monthly session!

**50% off any prints ordered for any session through the rest of 2019!

**First dibs on any regular mini events I post. (Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter etc.)

I urge you to go back and watch the live video (link above) to get more details and's so hard to type it all out and get the true excitement to come through! I am beyond stoked to start this program!!!!

Want in on this???!! Of COURSE you do! Duh!

Here's what you do:

Go to this link:

I had to set it up as a class...ignore that and choose any random time (if it makes you choose a may not).

I also had to set it for April 30th...that is the last day this will be available to sign up!

Once you go and pay your balance...PM me so I can get you into the private group. That's where all the info for upcoming events etc. will be listed. There and ONLY there.

**Not valid on newborn sessions**

**You CAN gift this yearly membership to someone! Just PM me once paid the details and who it's for so I know.

**This is non transferable and the $100 membership fee is non refundable**

Now...what are you waiting for!? Get signed up before the month is over and you miss out!

Hugs and love,


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