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Baby oh Baby!

Everything you need to know for a successful newborn session.

*A well fed baby is a happy baby! Please feed and burp baby right before our session to ensure a happy, sleepy (milk drunk) baby. We’ll also be more than happy to take as many breaks as needed to help him/her re-fuel. It’s tough work being a model!

*Even if you are nursing please bring a bottle and a pacifier to the session. Sometimes nursing babies tend to "hang out" at the breast instead of eating and falling back asleep. A bottle for a few minutes can help tremendously with can the pacifier!

*Please do whatever you can to keep the noise level to a minimum during our session. If you have other children that might create noise, try to find a sitter or family member to take them for a few hours. Newborn sessions can run anywhere from 1 hour to 2 1/2 hours. Most siblings are completely bored during this time anyways. My studio is a cozy space and there's really no room to run and play like they are used to. From experience, having siblings there during times they aren't being photographed is hard on everyone. Sitters are definitely the best option.

*If you have children and would like them to be included in some photos, we recommend bringing them in at the beginning or end of a session and then having someone take them. Only those being photographed should be present to help maintain a calm environment. *Newborn sessions can last anywhere from 1-2 1/2 hours. It all depends on baby’s mood and willingness to sleep. Unfortunately…this isn’t something we can predict! I ask that everyone remain calm, should he/she not want to sleep, since your baby will pick up on any frustration in the room. And if sleep doesn’t happen, that’s okay! Wide-eyed newborn photos are beautiful too. All of my newborn sessions are "Baby Led". That means baby dictates poses and how fast/slow we move. I cannot force baby to do certain poses if he/she isn't in the mood.

*Moms (and sometimes Dads) tend to stress out because this is a new experience…and they aren’t used to the waiting game that is newborn photography. They see their baby being fussy or having a difficult time getting settled and panic. “This is a disaster! They aren’t going to get ANY good photos!” It isn’t, and we will! I take the baby’s lead; getting them to sleep before posing takes time and they may need to be fed or cuddled a few times first. In fact, we’d say that a good 50% of your session will involve feeding, diaper changes, and cuddling to get baby comfortable. If that doesn’t work, we’ll take a break or we’ll work with what baby is giving us. Sometimes that best photos happen when baby isn’t doesn’t what we want.

****MOST IMPORTANTLY: Get baby to me ASAP after hospital discharge! The earlier I get them the better and easier (usually) the whole experience is).

I have two new options for newborn sessions and some add on options. That is all explained at the end.

*I have a collection of bowls, baskets, blankets, knit hats and headbands that we’ll use during your session. You are also, of course, welcome to use any of your own props. Looks for items with texture and color to help make your images unique. Keep in mind most "newborn" size outfits and crocheted Amazon finds are ill fitting and don't photograph well. Everything I have is made specifically for photography. Bringing your own stuff from home will now be part of the "Deluxe Package" which is all explained at the end. If you have any family heirlooms, toys, hats, props, etc. that you would like me to use in your session, please gather them before you arrive. We may not get the chance to use ALL of the items, but I'll look through them with you to determine what will work best. PLEASE send photos of them so I can prepare and determine what we can use.

*I pull items before the session to save time during the session. I try to use items that I haven't used for awhile or that go with your requests etc. I cannot send photos of all the props and backdrops that I have on hand..I have wayyy to many! I can however try to match up themes or colors that you tell me. (Examples: Baseball, pink, vintage, blue etc.)

*I also STRONGLY recommend that you discuss any ideas, props or poses you have in mind at least a week prior to your session. I start planning out your session in advance, so dropping a huge idea on us mid-session (that requires an unavailable prop) can cause stress on everyone! So talk to me early on and let me know what you have in mind! Some examples are: baseball/football theme, princess tiara, dad's guitar etc.

I also am constantly turning over props and backdrops. Selling old and buying new ones. If you screenshot something from my page and send it to me, I may or may not still have it. Please be aware I do not keep everything.

I also DO NOT PHOTOGRAPH NAKED BABIES! This has been a huge issue lately with a few different clients. I choose to not photograph babies naked for a variety of reasons. I always keep a diaper on and the diaper covered in some way. I have found babies hate being naked, it's a mess just waiting to happen and it takes the session twice as long. It's personal choice. Please do not ask me to take naked baby photos anyway. If you prefer that style, there are a ton of other talented local photographers that do offer this and I would be happy to refer you. Thanks for understanding.

BUT WHAT DO *I* WEAR? I know! You just had a baby and aren’t feeling your best. But we think this is the perfect time to pamper yourself! Go have your hair + makeup done (or better yet, have someone come to you!), schedule a massage or have your nails done. Looking super relaxed and at your best will make you feel more comfortable during the session. This is an exciting time in your life and we want to capture all of that…so take care of yourself first! And feel free to tell your husbands that I'm making you if they need a little convincing! As far as clothing? Keep it simple. Throw in a little color if you’d like, but skip the busy patterns. (And please don’t feel the need to match everyone in white shirts and jeans – there’s simple…and then there’s boring!) For moms, we suggest cotton knit camis and knit tops. Layers always photograph well. Don't forget to accessorize. OR you could do something really awesome and wear the maternity gown you wore for your maternity session. Or do a skin to skin shot. Not all new parents want in on the photos...that's okay too. It's totally up to you. Sometimes just mom wants a few...sometimes no one. I am open to anything that you all need/want.

Adding parents/siblings in photos is now an upcharge and can be added to any package below.

*What does Baby wear? Nothing you need to worry about. This is the easiest shoot to coordinate wardrobe for. Newborn clothing usually is bulky and doesn't fit well. I have lots of wraps and sets that we can use that are created for photography and photograph beautifully.

So here's a quick recap:

*Feed and burp baby right before if possible

*Bring extra bottles and pacifier

*No outfits for baby needed. I have everything we will need.

*I will work around baby's temperament that day. The closer to birth we have them in the studio the better chances of having that peaceful sleeping miracle!

*It is a long process, but so worth it! Don't worry...we will get good images no matter what...I promise :)

The studio address is: 516 Lowry Ave, Jeannette, PA 15644. I will send detailed directions closer to your scheduled date.

The only question left is cost and how delivery works right?

I now have two options for newborn sessions:

*Basic session:

This includes baby only. No parents or siblings. I dictate all props and backdrops. And you allow me to be creative and do "My thing". You are welcome to request a color to be used or not used. Everything else is at my discretion. (super easy right!?)


*Deluxe session:

Includes your choice of theme suggestion(s), props from home (at my discretion if they will photograph well and be able to be used or not), color choices etc. With this package it allows you to bring that special hat from home, request a baseball theme or everything floral and pink...etc. This package gives you a little more suggestiveness into your session. $250

Add siblings to any of the above packages for an additional $25

Add parents to any of the above packages for an additional $25

All packages include all images taken for digital download

and 15-20 edited images. (this number can fluctuate

depending on how cooperative baby is)

I am so overjoyed that you chose me to share this momentous occasion with! I cannot wait to meet your new little miracle! Congratulations!!!!

P.S. TWIN INFO: In the instance of twins: Cost does go up a little unfortunately. I usually try to hire an assistant for the session for an extra pair of hands. (that way parents can relax!). Twin sessions usually take much longer to shoot and edit. I know it stinks to be charged more, but unfortunately it's unavoidable. The extra charge for twins will be determined on if siblings/parents want in the shots as well, and how specific requests are. Just as for that additional info. Your cost will NOT be doubled. So no worries there!

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