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A Bucket List Exclusive!

About 6 months ago I had a conversation with my friends....same as we do at least once a week for the past however many years....talked about all the regular stuff girl friends discuss. Our kids, our kids leaving us for college, work, stress, things that made us laugh...and moments. There are three of us who regularly get together. But, one of those friends always makes statements about "Gifting us Moments, not things" or "She wants experiences, not just "things"". Not only is she very wise, but very inspiring, because I pulled out a piece of paper and got to writing. In all my years, I had never sat and made an actual "Bucket List". I've had lots that I want to experience and do, but never put pen to paper to make if "official". So, I finally did. I have lots of stuff on there, most too personal to share, but # 4 out of about 15 things...."To open my own studio someday". This week, I did just that! My very first bucket list accomplishment!

I got to searching. I had no idea where to start or what a "good" location would even really be. I stumbled across this place. A friend shared a newspaper article about it with me about a year ago...yes a whole year ago! I started looking into it and found it was a great location, amazingly cost effective and super convenient. I looked into a few other locations too, but all were too pricey, not in the right area..or even zip code for that matter or what I really "needed" out of a space. Honestly, I didn't need all that much really. A nice big room, a great window and space. Space to get all my props and equipment out of my house..FINALLY! (my family will be so thankful of that!) A few calls later off to take a little tour!

Don't get me wrong, although the building this is housed in is amazing with so much character oozing from every pour, the room was at the time being used as a meeting room for our Cultural Trust. It was bare bones and needed a really big painting and cleaning! I saw potential. I saw space, I saw a whole new outlet for my business to explore. A week later, and the lease was signed. When the keys were handed to me, it was emotional. That little room would have my name hanging on the door. My business now had an actual location and address. Although, almost all of my work will still be outdoors on location, this was another avenue to explore, another option for clients, another rung on that ladder I've been slowly climbing.

Without the help I had from family and friends and especially my hubby, this wouldn't have been possible to complete in just a week. We were there literally every single day for hours upon hours. Cleaning, painting.....painting...painting...lots of coats, lots of trim...lots of paint!

(Please excuse my horrible cell photos! Most were taken trying to get my hubby without him knowing or he would kill me..he hates photos. Or while I had dirt and/or paint on my hands!)

It's really official when the building welcomes you on their Facebook page! Another local photographer and I are sharing the space for the first 6 months to see how it goes for each of us. It's a lot less scary when you have someone right in there with you for the ride!

I guess at this point in my life, any little step ends up being a really big thing in my life. Guess this is where the saying "old dog, new tricks" comes into play. It really is true. When I was a child learning to ride a bike or roller skate was just something you did. Not a big deal. You knew you would probably fall and that was okay. Scars and band aids on your knees made you cool and gave you a story to tell your friends that asked "what happened to you?!". Now ......any new thing is a big deal. It's scary in a whole new way.

Knowing I did all this work myself, knowing all the sweat (literally...we didn't know how to adjust the old fashioned radiator for the first few days and about died! LOL) frustration, tears, money and sleepless nights worrying (and going over and over in my head all the next days things that had to get done!) is all worth it in the end. There's a whole new sense of pride and joy in knowing your hands created something and finished something. So proud of my kids for even coming to help! There will be lots more projects in the future for the space I am sure. But, for now, it's ready to be used!

My little 20 x 15 space will be graced with two brand new baby girls tomorrow! How appropriate.....their first photos will be my first photos there as well. So fitting and humbling....all at the same time.

When I first posted on Facebook that I was so happy to get my props out of my house and have a separate space, I had a client, who has turned into my friend, replied: "Ya but just think of how many good memories that were created in your living room! For me, every milestone really. 😘". That really put this into perspective. The gratefulness my heart has right now for really great people, lots of help, milestones, clients who are now friends, supportive clients, great paint that covers well...even over paneling with only two coats!, those who pushed me and knew I could do this even when I didn't and being able to knock this off that bucket list is a really big deal!

Here's to a great start to 2017!!!!

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