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Some Funny Crap

As we all know..nothing ever really goes according to plan. Someone photo bombs at the worst time, someone makes a stupid face for no reason or your stinking kid never cooperates. Never fails in the photo biz to have something totally ruin a great shot (or so you think)...but end up being your favorite from the whole day. But, makes for a horrible photo, but a really good story! Here's a few of outtakes from over the years. I had wayyy too many for just one I am sure you will see another soon!

(keep in mind these are all unedited and most are blurry etc from movement. The funny sentiment is the same though!)

Sometimes kids just aren't feeling it. They hate their life at that moment. They hate mom and dad. They hate the sibling trying to make them laugh. And most of all..they hate me. I've had quite a few of those "hate you" moments over the past few years! Usually these meltdowns always involve throwing their body in strange contortionist ways, lots of boogers, looks that could kill and screams that can be heard around the globe.

Little kids aren't always the only funny outtakes. Weddings make for great funnies! Especially towards the end of the night once everyone has a few drinks in them and gets on the dance floor. Or under the limbo stick! (uh-oh!)

Sometimes the wind is my best friend. It makes for those Pantene commercial moments. A pretty girls hair is blowing in the breeze or a little girls fluffy dress does a magical little dance. can be a complete pain in the butt! (as you can see!)

Sometimes things just turn out awkward. Not like you envisioned in your head at all!

Sometimes one session yields tons of outtakes. Especially when you have little ones that can't quite yet figure out how to sit still!

Sometimes props get in the way.

And sometimes laughter or your kid just get in the way. Usually spontaneous natural laughter makes for some of my favorite photos. But, just doesn't happen that way. And sometimes your kid just doesn't want a kiss. No reason...she just doesn't. (so she let's you know!)

I hope one or all of these made you smile today!

Have a fantastic week!

Joyce xoxox

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