Your Complete Guide to Boudoir....

The most important question when you think you may want boudoir photos done is..."Who will take them?". I fully urge you to ask around. Ask a few friends if they ever had them done and who they used. It will surprise you how many have & how many LOVED their experience!
Next: I want to tell you why you should choose me! Chances are if your reading this it is something you have thought about, always wanted to try or look longingly at other's photos and wish that you had the body, money or self esteem to get them done for yourself. That means your on the right track and should message me asap to get on my calendar!
I not only have shot dozens of this type of session over the years but I also have had these types of photos taken of myself countless times. I have really seen it all. Nothing phases or surprises me. I am a totally open minded type of person when it comes to the matters of the bedroom to begin with. I also truly believe that boudoir photos are more for yourself and the very best self esteem booster out there! It is something every woman, every size, shape, and age should experience at least once. I am here to make sure you look your best. That your photos are sexy, raunchy, feminine or seductive...or a little of all of them! It's up to you what type of turn you want your session to take. I am there to help make sure that happens.
When I had my own personal photos done for the first time many years ago, I had a friend who asked me to pose for her for her photography business. She really wanted to break into the boudoir market. I put her off quite a few times and then finally gave in. When I was getting the photos taken I felt be quite honest. I was completely worried about my belly roll and the cellulite under my butt cheeks. I felt the positions she put me in were kind of silly. THEN I SAW THE PHOTOS! The vision I had in my head of myself was nothing like I saw on the screen. The way I perceived myself and the way someone else saw me was polar opposite. I instantly became hooked on that feeling of pride when I saw how someone else could see my sexuality and translate it to a simple photo. The art of it. The mood of it. The empowerment of it. It's something I do for myself at least once a year since.

Here are some commonly asked questions when it comes to boudoir sessions:
1. What should I wear?
Think outside of the box. Sure a cute bra and panty set looks does stockings and garter belts. But, why not make something completely sexy that isn't "typically" thought of as sexy? A huge sweater that falls off your shoulder, your sweetie's favorite shirt, a completely see through lacey dress or shirt. Those are the things that will make you feel your best. The things that you may wear on a normal day and you have your sexy little brought them a whole new life. Pinterest is a god send! Check it for great ideas and tips for boudoir wardrobe choices.
When wearing a bra: lacey bras that have lace sticking out of the top tend to make smaller breasts look a little bit fuller. If you are big busted and don't want to emphasize that they are, make sure your bra doesn't have anything sticking out of the top of your cups.
Try on all outfit choices before you session. Make sure nothing is too tight and makes marks or rolls where they normally aren't.

2. Do I photograph couples?
Ummmm...YES PLEASE! I adore photographing couples! I can never get enough of them! To be there to capture the love, fire and passion between a couple and then translate that into a photo is a real privilege for me. Sexiness and romance are some of the best things in life. Especially with the perfect partner.

3. Do I allow full nudity? How many outfit changes can I have?
Yep, full nudity is absolutely fine. Partial nudity is okay too. And I never limit the amount of outfits or props you can have. This is your session. This is your time. You should choose what you want and how you want to do it.

4. Where do you do the photos at?
I do have a studio so photos can be taken there, but I also believe that the sexiest photos of yourself can be taken in any sort of "natural" environment as well. I do most photos at clients homes, out doors (if you have or know of private property) or a hotel room. Pretty much anywhere can be made to compliment your session. I have photographed in a field, the woods, in water, bath tubs, showers, garages, on motorcycles, beds, couches name it. I am up for a challenge and love things out of the ordinary! (hotel room sessions have added cost)

5. Cost?
Well, that has a few variables and you would need to contact me for specifics. Prices range from $180-$250 for individuals usually. And $300-$350 for couples.

6. Do you shoot same sex couples? Or can my friend jump in at the end of my session for just a few shots with me?
Yes, yes and yes! When speaking of the typical man...what is most of their fantasies? To see you with another woman right? Plus, what is sexier and more sensual than two women together? If you have a hot friend willing to pose with it! It doesn't mean that you need to fall in love with her..LOL. But, it will make your mate pretty damn happy. (more about friends at sessions next!)

7. Do you offer a "Girls day out" event?
Yep! Got a few friends that all want to try it? Want to be there for moral support for each other? Let's do it! We can book you at the same time all back to back and you can be there for each other. It is so fun AND helpful to know someone you trust is there to tell you if you look dumb...which they WON'T tell you because you won't look dumb...but subconsciously it will make you feel better! And you can get a few shots of you together like the one above. These two were just there to have their sessions together and be there to share shoes, and make a great memory. They ended up producing this....amazing right?! Plus, the more girls you have doing sessions the bigger the discount will be per girl.

That's's pretty simple. Here's a few helpful hints to remember on your session day as well:
~Bring a little of everything to your session. Don't forget the jewelry, shoes and extra of everything! I can always make something out of anything! Little jackets, vests etc. You never know what you may need!
~Drink lots of water the week leading up to you session. It will make you skin glow
~Make sure you do some recon work in the nether regions ladies! Wax and shave everything!
~Investing in professional hair and make up is always a good choice
~Don't forget to paint those nails and toes. Or leave them bare..just NO chipped paint
~Wear clothing for your body type

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY RELAX!!!! I promise you that this will be a great experience. I promise you that it will be something you end up being really glad that you did. And I promise you that you will have really really really great nookie when you deliver your photos to you sweetie! And if they are a gift for will walk around for weeks knowing that you are the hottest thing in the room at that moment. You will not be able to wait for another session! (yep, I have ladies that come once a year...every single year!). So, here's to looking sexy, being sensual and great nookie!
Happy Monday Boudoir ladies!