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Why in the world should you get photos taken?

It's a pretty basic and simple question. I can hear your brain wheels turning already...

"Why? Why should I spend the money and rearrange schedules and try to coordinate with the family/friends? Why should I go through the agony of a spouse that complains the whole time and booger ridden kids who won't listen and embarrass me in front of the photographer? Why should I bring this up to my group of friends who all complain daily about their hip size and freak out when I even post a cell pic on FB? Why should I spend the money. Why should I when I don't like getting my photo taken"

Let me tell you why...I got a whole lotta reasons!

A few weeks ago I lost my grandmother. And a few weeks before that I lost my grandfather. At my grandmother's funeral a friend looked at me and said..."this should be your next blog! Why it's so very important to get photos taken. You never know how long you will have someone". It took a few weeks to gather my strength back up and not cry the whole time writing that's why it took a while to get it to you.

When going through our old photos for Grandma Dee's funeral I couldn't find any nice ones of her and I that were recent. Although I was a strikingly adorable baby (as you can see above), these were taken almost 40 years ago! I had a few from when I was a teenager but they were pretty grainy and blurry. I felt more guilty about the fact that we lost all those years of memory capture than almost anything during funeral time.

I hear all the time from people that they take TONS of cell phone photos of their babies/kids/loved ones so they don't need to pay for a session. WHAT???? Really??? I am a big cell phone photo taker myself I am not bashing it at all. I think the first thing you grab to capture a smile or fun time all the better. Weather it's a camera or phone...go for it! But, your kids are only the size they are now ONCE. Your engagement only happens ONCE. Your wedding to this person on this day only happens ONCE. Make it memorable!

This little guy above will only be 2 once. I guarantee when he's ten he won't want Mickey Mouse props in the photos with him anymore! And I also guarantee that when he looks back with his own children he will want to show them this. He will appreciate the effort mom and dad went through to make sure his childhood and their family love is documented.

One of the biggest complaints I get is from people wanting to get maternity photos done but they think they are "fat". REALLY? Of course you gained weight...every pregnant woman does! DUH! If you don't wait until a week before you are ready to pop then you won't be so miserable and feeling super large. Also another DUH! Put some effort into what you wear and the location and you will fall in LOVE! I promise!

Senior photos are also another big contention with families. Mom/Dad wants the photos and the senior kid does not care one bit. Here's what I told my son that said he didn't really care if he got them or not..."Okay, well they aren't for you anyways. They are for me and your grandparents. Be a good boy and just cooperate. Okay?". I promised to buy him wings after our session and he was more than happy to appease me for an afternoon. It went pretty smoothly and he lived to tell about it. Seems it was a win win situation! I know at some point in his life he will appreciate the photos.....maybe not anytime soon. But, someday. Just like these two will appreciate these...someday.

Here's the most common reasons why you think you SHOULDN'T get photos taken:

1.) I need to loose weight....(don't we all?????)

2.) Money......(anything worth doing cost at least a little bit.)

3.)You don't have time...(you make time for the things you want to do. You make time for the things that are important)

4.) No one wants pictures of me anyways.....(are you kidding me????)

5.) Your more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it....(I hear this from local photographers all the time. I shouldn't have to tell you of all people how important it is to get out from behind there and interact with your sweetie and children! Shame on you!)

Moral of the story is this:

Get over yourself and get it done! Your family will want photos taken. Your children will someday look back and appreciate that you got them taken. It doesn't have to be every month...but even on occasion would be nice.

It can be a more "Lifestyle" session. There doesn't have to be posing and sitting and smiling the whole time. Your everyday life is pretty special. That makes for great photos too.

When you go through this crazy thing called life so many memories just slip by us. We forget hair color, we forget the size of our hips...we forget the little details. Memories slowly fade..those photographs are all you have left sometimes. A permanent reminder of what was good and how much love there was to go around. A permanent reminder of an age, size or special event. Your kids could care less what color your hair is or what your long as they have the photos. (but, by all means get a cut and color and put on a cute shirt for your session! It will make you feel good and look so much better!)

Make sure that when your kids look in the future for photographs of you, of your family or your love story....that they have more than enough to find.


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