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Just Keep Swimming....

So, my week this past week was pretty crappy to say the least. I kept trying to find something to write about today. A quote on television that would spark excitement in me. Or something funny that one of my kids would say that I would just have to share....I got nothin'. Then I thought...'Okay, I will write about something totally unrelated to daily life. Something about business or photography". Once again, I looked for inspiration...and got nothin'.


Then scrolling through social media I saw a post from an old high school classmate that read something to the effect of she was having some issues but was going to fight and not give up! The first thing that came to mind was, "Just keep Swimmin' girl!". My second thought..why am I not telling this to myself???!!!!

The old adage does say "When it rains it pours". Boy wasn't that the truth for me this past week. And I am sure there are quite a few others that can relate. I am trying to keep in mind that waiting for the rainbow after the rain is the best part of weathering out the storm. So for now, I am trying my best to keep positive thoughts flowing and to remember that someday, hopefully sooner than later, my rainbow will peak out.

I am hoping that someone reading this will be inspired to keep swimming. If so, then I think my rainbow may start to peak sooner than I thought.

Have a fantastic week!


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