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Mommy n' Me Information

Here's all the info you will need for your Mommy n' Me session OR all the reasons you will need to schedule your very own session! Also through this post you will find some of my favorite mom's and kids from the past few years. Be sure to comment on the FB post if you see yourself!

Where are the mini's???? Great question! And I happen to have an answer! The May 15th mini's are located on private property very close to Twin Lakes. The address is: 267 Lewis Rd., Greensburg. I will try to remember to hang my business banner or some balloons so you know where we will be. Upon arriving you will meet Royleen. Another local photographer and the owner of this amazing property. She will be checking you in and taking payment etc.

The May 21st mini's are downtown Greensburg. I will meet you in front of the Library on the stairs at your designated times. The Library address is: 237 South Pennsylvania Ave. Gbg.

Here is some basic info so you can refer later on if needed:

Cost: $55 due at your mini. Cash preferred but check okay too

Cancellation Policy: If cancelling less than 1 week before your session, cost will be due in full.

What to wear: That will be covered in a hang tight!

Can you bring a helper: Of course! Especially those of you with twins..bring an extra set of hands by all means!

Are dogs welcome: No sorry not this time! Especially with the private property. They have their own pets so we don't want to upset their herd :)

Any other questions I don't cover...just ask!

When I am doing a family session I almost always try to get a photo of dad alone with the kids and mom as well. I get asked "Why" sometimes. Or I have been told.."That's not necessary". Are you kidding me???? Being a parent is hard work! (especially the whole Mom thing!) The least you deserve is a stinking photo! LOL Usually by the end of the day your so exhausted from not only a 9-5 job but the parenting gig as well that you can't even fathom how your going to get through tomorrow. Your constantly being pulled in ten directions and you can't seem to get any of it right. There's always guilt. Guilt for being away from the kids too much or if you are a SAHM, guilt for not contributing to the family finances. It's a never ending vicious cycle of tears, boogers and chicken nuggets. Yet, you do it again and again when you have more children. You still get up every day and put your pants on one leg at a time. You figure out how to shower each day and not have the baby scream bloody murder the whole time and if your lucky, you get to poop alone occasionally! (it's the little things that matter most when your a me!) The challenges of having a baby intensifies with toddlerhood and totally explodes with a hormonal "Tween". But, at some point they come back around and don't hate your guts anymore. It's so vitally important to get those photos of your hard work and love while you can. Kids are only kids a short time. They grow into adults and it's almost impossible to track them all down and be in the same place after a certain point. If you can get them all together as are one lucky Momma! They are never too old or too young to get photos with you. Your deserve it you amazing Mother!

Capturing the love of a mother and child has become one of my favorite sessions to shoot. And the images they produce almost always make me do the cheesy smile and *sigh* when I see them. I know we all parent differently. Some of us only do organic, some feed their kids whatever they will eat! Some believe in vaccinations, some do not. Some just hinge on the hope of keeping their kids alive from day to day...but one thing is all the same for every single one of us...we LOVE. We love them unconditionally. We love them to the ends of the earth. And we would do anything for them. (Like sitting up all night holding their hair back while the stomach flu causes projectile vomiting or talking yourself out of murdering the fist girl to break your little boy's heart) The list goes on and on. We would do anything. I try to capture that in your mommy photos. The laughter and joy. The seriousness and passion you feel for them.

Your session will be filled with interaction and snuggles. Kisses and hugs. Those mommy and kid moments that you don't get everyday since tantrums and attitude problems rear their ugly head sometimes. No worries..I will get them. Have a kid that doesn't like their photo taken. Also not a problem. Play and interaction is the best way to get the story of your motherhood at that moment anyway. Anyone can take a photo of you sitting perfectly and smiling at the camera. You want the unplanned moments. The real smiles and the real laughs. When you look at these in 20 years that's what will spark a memory. That's what will make you fall in love with it.

Okay, now that you are for sure getting your photos taken, what should you wear??? (most asked question I get by far!) I already blogged on how to choose what to wear for your photo session so make sure to check that out as well. But, Below I am listing a few of my favorite FB stores too! Go check them out. Make a small investment in how well you are presented. You won't regret it I promise!

Persnickety Clothing

Sara Grace Accessories

Rainey's Closet

Dollycake Oh-so-girly

Smocked by Stellybelly

Here's a few quick tips:

*No large writing or designs on clothing.

*Classic is always a good choice

*Floral headpieces for little girls and moms makes for a whimsical and fairy tale like photo

*Everyone loves a little boy in a bowtie..duh!

*For a more casual the jean overalls and no shoes. Roll them up to truly express your rough and tumble little guy or mud lovin' little girl

*Want something different? Get dressed up! Go for it!

*Pay attention to shoes. Nothing light up or large characters or dirty (yes...this is a frequent problem.)

*Go barefoot! Both of you or all of you!

*Choose colors that compliment eyes and hair colors.

*For the love of all things good...please do NOT choose outfits the night before. Give yourself some time to coordinate and shop around.

Get ready for lots of kisses and a really great memory. Since you will be dressed nice and lookin' spiffy....take yourself out to dinner afterwards! You deserve it!

I will be sending out reminders of your appointment times closer to the date of the mini's. Feel free to bring any props you'd like to incorporate as well.



Baseball equipment

Rain boots and Umbrellas

Toy cars/trucks

Favorite book

Favorite stuffed animal or baby doll

I know some of you are bringing older children. No worries...we will have fun! For all parents be prepared to bribe them if necessary! (I am a big fan of bribery for personal gain occasionally...(insert a big huge winky face here!)). See you all in May!! Have a fantastic Mom's Day!

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