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A Little about Little Old Me!


A friend told me not too long ago that I should blog. I'm not sure if it was because she thought I was well spoken or if she thought my life was humerous...either way..I thought it wasn't too bad of an idea. I had a few people in the past tell me that my daily life was really something to share with the world due to it's humor. I think they may be on to something. I'm sure in my old age I will look back upon these posts and be thankful that I was able to figure out how to blog in the first place and how to, for the most part, use proper English. So, here's the long and short story of me.

I decided a LONG time ago that I was to remain 30 years old until I reached 40..then I will remain at 40 until I am 50. I dye my hair and admamantly refuse to let me grey hairs get the best of me! I use creams on the lines on my face and cover the dark circles under my eyes. Yep, I refuse to get old gracefully and I don't care. Judge if you will, it's just my prerogative and I'm sticking to it! So, I am somewhere between 30-40 years old. Let's just leave it at that ;)


Over half of my life has been spent as someone's wife or mother. I am more than okay with that. I couldn't wait to be a mom! I started young and I am so glad that i did. Our journey through motherhood/childhood was spent playing games, doing crafts, participating in sports/activities and laughing. Our daily life is spent with so much laughter it fills all of our rooms and each of our hearts until we are at max capacity. The craziness in our home is unmatched by none other. I will be sharing my joys, heartbreaks and struggles of motherhood in other blog posts. But, for are the loves of my life. The beauties that I am lucky enough to call mine.


Photography completely found me by accident about 4 years ago. It has been a love affair ever since that I cannot tear myself from. I have always loved taking photos, but the proper equipment and a little bit of knowledge have taken me to a whole new level. I have met the most incredible people through this journey. Some will now be forever friends. It also allows for me to get the most incredible photos taken of myself from fellow photographer friends! (Thanks Gina for the gem below!)


Some small details that may be relevant at some point: I am moody, silly, shy and usually pretty funny (if I do say so myself). I am dancing and screaming along to the radio in my car one minute and crying over a damn commercial the next. Ahh...the joys of womanhood. My favorite place in the world is the beach. I will be someday transplanted to the ocean somewhere to live, I promise you that! I don't drink coffee (I know so many of you are gasping right now! But, I have never liked it). I finally after over twenty years am able to fully smile thanks to extensive and expensive dental surgery I had this past June. (that is another story to share when I finally get the courage). Most of my closet consists of browns, black and teal. 99% of the time you will find me in jeans and the other 1% a sundress. If you really want to find your way to my heart make me laugh, feed me pizza, give me a "Pumpkin Pecan Waffle" candle from White Barn..throw in a hug at the end and we are forever besties! I never leave the house without perfume. You will frequently find me at Wal-Mart with my hair not even brushed and not a lick of make up but I WILL smell good I promise! I think I may be the only person on the planet that isn't a fan of dogs, but I am really not. Give me a cat anyday. I hate cleaning the bathroom but I vaccuum daily. My favorite movie is "Dirty Dancing" but any of the brat pack 80's movies are a must watch as well!


My husband hates getting his photos taken so we don't have many. So, the ones we do have we have to make perfect. How much more perfect than my loves with our toes in the sand!


I have the bestest friends that a girl could possibly dream of having. They listen to my craziness and laugh along with my dumb stories. We have fun going dancing or spending a night in playing games. We can make any situation fun and memorable!


So, that's me in a small nutshell. I have a great family, wonderful friends and even better clients! I am complicated, simple, determined and hardworking. (I also contradict myself all the time! LOL) Working with all of you is a great honor to me. I never take that for granted. Now that you know me...I'd love to get to know YOU! :)



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